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49 Eye-Opening B2B Influencer Marketing Stats

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Abigail BloomKing
49 Eye-Opening B2B Influencer Marketing Stats

B2B influencer marketing is rapidly evolving as a key strategy for digital marketers. As businesses seek innovative ways to reach and engage their target audience, leveraging the power of influencers in the B2B space has shown significant promise. 

In this comprehensive post, we'll explore 49 revealing statistics highlighting the impact, trends, and potential of B2B influencer marketing.

These stats will show that B2B influencer marketing works.  B2B purchasing decisions are deeply rooted in trust, credibility, and expert knowledge. Influencer marketing offers a unique avenue to connect with decision-makers and key stakeholders through voices they respect and follow. 

Should you use a B2B influencer agency?  Book a free consultation here to see if this option gets you to your goals.

This approach has become increasingly important as traditional advertising decreases effectiveness and audiences seek more authentic, content-driven experiences. 

As we delve into the realm of eye-opening statistics about B2B influencer marketing, we must grasp how these numbers reflect changing behaviors, evolving platforms, and the shifting dynamics of buyer-seller interactions. These statistics offer valuable insights into what strategies resonate in the B2B sphere, which platforms are gaining traction, and how influencer marketing is becoming an indispensable tool in a marketer's arsenal.

1. Rising popularity

According to TopRank Marketing, 71% of B2B marketers are interested in exploring influencer marketing.  B2B influencer marketing is not a niche program anymore.  Driven by consistently better results, most marketers are looking at influencer programs in 2024.

2. Increased budget allocation

A study by Linqia shows that 63% of marketers intend to increase their influencer marketing budget next year. Another indicator that B2B influencer marketing is rising.

3. High ROI expectations

Influencer Marketing Hub reports that businesses make $5.78 for every $1 spent on influencer marketing.  Actual results may vary, but if you’re not trying influencer marketing, add it to your 2024 marketing mix.

4. Content authenticity

90% of consumers trust peer recommendations, while only 33% trust traditional ads (Nielsen).  Business buyers act like consumers, so it’s safe to say the same level of trust applies to B2B marketing.

5. Influencer trust level

Edelman’s Trust Barometer reveals that 58% of decision-makers use influencer insights for business decisions.  Influencer marketing can be particularly effective for bottom-of-funnel credibility to help buyers feel good about signing a deal with you.

6. LinkedIn's dominance

LinkedIn is the most effective social media platform for B2B influencer marketing, with 91% of executives using LinkedIn for content (Foundation Inc).  There are other discovery platforms like Reletter and Buzzsumo.

7. Influencer engagement rates

B2B influencers have an average engagement rate of 3.5% on LinkedIn (Klear).  According to Adobe, the average engagement rate on LinkedIn is 2%.

8. Lead generation success

Content Marketing Institute found that 80% of B2B marketers who used influencer marketing reported increased lead generation.  Lead generation should be the top use case for B2B influencer marketing.

9. Long-term partnerships

73% of B2B marketers prefer to build long-term relationships with influencers (TopRank Marketing).  An influencer consistently validating your offer over time is ideal for companies with a complex sales cycle where clients might take months to be in-market.

10. Influencer content preference:

69% of B2B buyers prefer consuming influencer blog content during their purchase journey (Demand Gen Report).  Insightful, readable content is the most versatile asset you can co-create with an influencer and then repurpose.

11. Video content impact

Cisco predicts that video content will represent 82% of all internet traffic by 2023, with YouTube being a key platform for B2B influencers.  Another data point for helping to decide what format to use when collaborating on content.

12. Micro-influencer effectiveness:

Micro-influencers with 1,000 to 100,000 followers deliver a 60% higher engagement rate than larger influencers (Markerly).  For B2B, it’s about the quality of the audience as it relates to the buyers you are trying to reach and their engagement with the influencer.

13. Decision-makers and social media:

83% of B2B buyers use social media to help make purchasing decisions (IDC).  Social media, especially LinkedIn, helps buyers get ideas on how to do their jobs better and learn about solutions.  You can benefit from being part of a social media influencer’s conversation with their audience.

14. Influencer marketing adoption:

74% of B2B marketers use or plan to use influencer marketing (Content Marketing Institute).  Like stat #1 above, B2B influencer marketing is a mainstream marketing strategy.

15. Campaign measurement challenges

76% of marketers cite measuring the ROI of influencer marketing as their top challenge (Influencer Marketing Hub).  Influencer marketing can achieve several goals.   Deciding on awareness, leads, conversions, or revenue can take time.  Pick one, and measurement will be more straightforward.

16. Content sharing

Influencer-generated content is shared 7x more frequently than brand-generated content on LinkedIn (LinkedIn).  A powerful endorsement for partnering with LinkedIn influencers.  In B2B, LinkedIn is the top platform, followed by Substack.

17. Buyer journey impact

57% of B2B sales cycles are influenced by digital content shared by influencers (Forrester).  More credibility for why these programs are worth exploring.

18. Tech industry influence

The technology sector is the most active in B2B influencer marketing, accounting for 30% of all campaigns (Traackr).  But every industry has influencers.  In this stat, 70% of influencer campaigns are non-tech.

19. Influencer credibility

87% of B2B buyers prefer influencer content over brand content (TopRank Marketing).  Sponsor influencers, and you can draft off that credibility.

20. Customer retention

B2B companies with influencer marketing programs have a 37% higher retention rate (Marketing Charts).  It is unclear why, but it involves making better decisions when experts vet and endorse products.

21. Influencer research relevance

96% of B2B buyers want content with more input from industry thought leaders (Demand Gen Report). Take time to develop what you believe will resonate, and go to the experts who know.

22. SEO benefits

Influencer marketing can increase online visibility, with 94% of marketers witnessing improvements in their SEO (Convince & Convert).  Getting an organic backlink from an influencer is a great SEO endorsement.

23. Mobile influence

91% of B2B buyers consume influencer content on mobile devices (Boston Consulting Group).  A reminder to optimize your content for multiple devices.

24. Influencer diversity

B2B influencer campaigns are diversifying, with 68% of marketers using influencers from different tiers, including nano and micro-influencers (Influencer Marketing Hub). It might be more complicated, but it’s better to diversify your influencer partnerships.  This is where a B2B influencer agency can earn their money by researching the best options from which to choose.

25. Future growth predictions:

The global influencer marketing platform revenue is projected to grow from $5.5 billion in 2019 to $22.3 billion by 2024 (MarketsandMarkets).  Not specifically B2B, but more validation for the concept.

26. Increased budget allocation 

According to the 2023 Influencer Marketing Benchmark Report, 62% of B2B marketers plan to increase their influencer marketing budgets in 2023.  Another indicator of growing confidence in its value.

27. Content creation collaboration 

A study by Social Media Examiner reveals that 83% of B2B marketers collaborate with influencers to create content, recognizing their expertise in generating engaging and relevant material.  Another stat, with a different number.  The common thread is that all these usage stats are above two-thirds of B2B marketers using experts.

28. Impact on purchase decisions

A survey by Demand Gen Report highlights that 47% of B2B buyers consider case studies to be the most valuable type of influencer content, significantly shaping their purchase decisions.

29. Growing importance of authenticity

A report by Edelman and LinkedIn emphasizes that 80% of B2B buyers trust recommendations from thought leaders more than traditional advertising, stressing the need for authentic influencer partnerships.  And authentic content.  With the explosion of AI-driven marketing content, an original, expert voice will be noticed by buyers.

30. LinkedIn as a preferred platform

According to a HubSpot survey, LinkedIn remains the most preferred platform for B2B influencer marketing, with 72% of marketers utilizing it to connect with relevant influencers.  Others are Substack, Twitter, and YouTube.

31. Micro-influencers gain traction

A study by Influencer Marketing Hub reveals that 68% of B2B marketers are working with micro-influencers, recognizing their ability to engage with niche audiences and foster deeper connections.  

32. Measuring campaign success

A report by Social Media Examiner indicates that 63% of B2B marketers use software to measure and report on influencer campaign results, demonstrating the importance of data-driven decision-making.  Again, your true north objective is the most important decision for measurement success.  Don’t confuse stakeholders with multiple objectives. Pick one.

33. Influence on brand awareness

A survey by TopRank Marketing reveals that 61% of B2B marketers use influencer marketing to boost brand awareness, highlighting its effectiveness in establishing brand recognition.  For a complex sales cycle, being in buyer's minds when they are market-ready is critical.  

34. Driving website traffic

A study by Influencer Marketing Hub shows that 52% of B2B marketers leverage influencer marketing to generate website traffic, recognizing its ability to attract potential customers.  Another great objective is if you are trying to skim as many in-market buyers as you can to accelerate revenue.

35. Enhancing lead generation

According to a report by Social Media Examiner, 51% of B2B marketers employ influencer marketing to generate leads, underscoring its role in nurturing customer relationships.  Another powerful use of influencer marketing is lead generation.  

36. Nurturing customer relationships

A study by Influencer Marketing Hub reveals that 48% of B2B marketers use influencer marketing to nurture customer relationships, emphasizing its ability to foster brand loyalty.  Great for engaging customers deeper into your products and assuring them they made the right choice.

37. Influencer marketing ROI

Social Media Examiner indicates that 46% of B2B marketers achieve an influencer marketing ROI of 5:1 or higher, demonstrating its potential to generate significant returns.  

38. Influencer marketing challenges

Influencer Marketing Hub highlights that 39% of B2B marketers find the manual nature of influencer marketing challenging, emphasizing the need for streamlined processes and tools.  A B2B influencer agency can minimize challenges by using their experience to plan and run campaigns.

39. Importance of influencer identification

TopRank Marketing reveals that 68% of the most successful B2B influencer marketers have a documented strategy for identifying influencers, emphasizing the importance of targeted partnerships.  This is a key area where you want to evaluate in-house options vs. using an agency.

40. Influencer campaign management

Influencer Marketing Hub shows that 43% of B2B marketers use software to manage influencer campaigns, demonstrating the need for effective campaign management tools.

41. Influencer measurement.

Social Media Examiner indicates that the most common metrics used by B2B marketers to measure influencer marketing campaign success are website traffic, social media engagement, and leads generated.  It helps determine your key objective.

42. Influencer marketing effectiveness

Influencer Marketing Hub reveals that 70% of B2B marketers consider influencer marketing effective in achieving their business goals.

43. Influencer marketing growth

A report by Social Media Examiner predicts that the influencer marketing industry will reach $25.2 billion in 2024, highlighting its continued growth and prominence.

44. Influencer marketing ROI expectations

According to a study by Influencer Marketing Hub, 83% of B2B marketers expect an ROI of 3:1 or higher from influencer marketing campaigns.  Social Media Examiner calculated 5:1, so on average, influencer marketing produces a healthy ROI.

45. Influencer marketing content formats

Influencer Marketing Hub reveals that the most popular influencer marketing content formats among B2B marketers are blog posts (82%), social media posts (79%), and case studies (69%).  Another data point to help help plan content formats for campaigns.

46. Influencer marketing measurement

According to Social Media Examiner, the most common metrics used by B2B marketers to measure influencer marketing campaign success are website traffic (63%), social media engagement (62%), and lead generation (59%).

47. Influencer marketing ROI measurement

A study by Influencer Marketing Hub shows that the most common methods used by B2B marketers to measure influencer marketing ROI are cost per lead (57%), sales pipeline growth (56%), and customer acquisition cost (55%).

48. Influencer marketing budget allocation

Social Media Examiner reports the average B2B influencer marketing budget is 2.9% of the total marketing budget.  It is on the small side, but overall growth in the strategy is growing, as evidenced by the stats here.

49. Influencer marketing trends

A study by Influencer Marketing Hub highlights that the top trends in B2B influencer marketing for 2023 include influencer-generated content (80%), micro-influencers (76%), and long-form content (72%).


These compelling statistics underscore the rising significance of B2B influencer marketing as a powerful tool to reach target audiences, enhance brand awareness, drive website traffic, generate leads, nurture customer relationships, and ultimately achieve business growth. 

By strategically incorporating influencer marketing into their marketing mix, B2B companies can effectively connect with decision-makers, establish industry thought leadership, and drive business success.

These 49 statistics underscore the growing significance of B2B influencer marketing in today's business world. They reveal a trend towards authenticity, the power of micro-influencers, the effectiveness of long-term partnerships, and the critical role of digital platforms like LinkedIn. 

For any B2B marketer looking to enhance their strategy, understanding these trends and statistics is crucial in harnessing the full potential of influencer marketing to achieve business objectives.

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